We are proud to be a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization with no paid staff!
Learn from commercial rated hot air balloon pilots who have the experience and training to help you succeed!
Don’t be fooled by other websites, the FAA does NOT publish knowledge test questions. We have hundreds of sample questions for you to practice to prepare you for the exam.
Learning online is great for people with busy schedules because you can learn at your own pace from your home, or on your mobile device. No need to buy books and lug them around, we have all that you need on the site!
We’re focused on your outcomes and you’ll be able to monitor your progress with our many progress tracking tools. Our all-in-one platform helps you prepare effeciently!
Adam Magee
Adam Magee is a Federal Aviation Administration Designated Pilot Examiner, was named the 2019 FAA Flight Instructor of the Year, the 2021 FAA Safety Team Rep of the Year, and is a FAA Safety Team Representative, WINGSPro, and DronePro.
Adam is passionate about ballooning and contributes pro-bono to advance safety, and training.
Industry Member
We are proud to be a Federal Aviation Administration Safety Team Industry Member! We work collaboratively with the FAASteam to develop safety
awareness training, products, and industry best practices while discovering ways to
provide educational safety outreach for airmen.
We encourage all pilots to join the FAA Safety Team WINGS program by visiting:
If you have any qustions about the FAASTeam or the WINGS Pilot Proficiency Pgrogram please let us know!
Kimberly Magee
Co-founder/Vice President
Kim holds 6 World Records and 9 National records in hot air ballooning and is a receipient of the Balloon Federation of America’s Shields Trauger Award, the BFAs highest honor. Kim is a FAA Safety Team Representative, WINGSPro, and DronePro.
Kim is passionate about ballooning and contributes pro-bono to see the sport grow!
Special thanks to our Partners in Education!