Flight Instructor Refresher
This course provides a refresher for commercial pilots/flight instructors on instructing student pilots. Refresh your knowledge on what is required to be taught to students as well as learn what type of records you must keep. Help your students succeed by refreshing your knowledge of what is required! This course can be completed within a few hours.
*This course qualifies for WINGS credits!*
Your Course Includes
Characteristics and responsibilities of a flight instructor
Update on the new testing standards - the Airman Certification Standards (ACS)
The learning process
The teaching process
Techniques of flight instruction
The Private and Commercial Practical Test
Common areas of improvement for students on their check ride
Creating a lesson plan
How to navigate IACRA (what the heck is that anyway?)
Getting all your paperwork in order for the check ride!
Course Curriculum
Flight Instructor – Intro
Flight Instructor – Choosing to Instruct
Flight Instructor – Characteristics
Flight Instructor – Where do we start?
Flight Instructor – Areas of knowledge
Flight Instructor – The Teaching Process
Flight Instructor – The Learning Prcoess
Flight Instructor – Techniques of Flight Instruction
Fundamentals CE
Flight Instructor – Critique and Evaluations
Flight Instructor – IACRA
Flight Instructor – Weak Areas
Airman Testing Standards
Private Pilot DPE Forum
Commercial Pilot DPE Forum
How do you know a student is ready for their practical exam?
Flight Instructor Refresher Quiz
Get Started Now
To take this course click on the button below. You will then be directed to create an account and check-out using a secure online credit card processor (note the https). If you choose not to pay by credit card and would rather pay by check, please contact us at theballoontrainingacademy@gmail.com and we will work with you to set up your account and give you access to the course once your check has cleared.