Navigating the National Airspace System CE
In this continuing education course we provide a refresher of the National Airspace system. This is a recorded presentation of one we’ve given at in-person Ground Schools. For more informaiton on airspace, a deeper practice, or refresher on any ground topic please sign up for our private or commercial ground school course!
*This course qualifies for WINGS Credit
Your Course Includes
Review of the National Airspace System
What's the difference between E/G?
VFR Weather Minimums
ADS-B rules
Transponder rules
Comprehensive Quiz to Test Your Knowledge
Course Curriculum
Navigating airspace ce intro
BTA Airspace Video
Get Started Now
To take this course click on the button below. You will then be directed to create an account and check-out using a secure online credit card processor (note the https). If you choose not to pay by credit card and would rather pay by check, please contact us at theballoontrainingacademy@gmail.com and we will work with you to set up your account and give you access to the course once your check has cleared.